In 1941 a man named Robert Oppenheimer rode into the dusty town of Los Alamos. Oppenheimer has an outlaw wandering through the American west on his trusty steed “Turnip”. When Oppenheimer strolled into town it just so happened that Los Alamos was looking for a sheriff with an acute understanding of theoretical Physics. He took the job seeing an opportunity in running a town full of atomic physicist. Oppenheimer was a loner and didn’t give much thought to the War but thought a blast of that magnitude could uproot some of the gold that had been missed during the gold rush. A motive he only shared with his grizzled old prospector companion “Ol’ Stimey Pete”. But after observing the explosion of the “Trinity” test Oppenheimer realized the impracticality of using this weapon to dig for gold and galloped of into the sunset never to return to Los Alamos.